Get involved and fundraise for Open Door

While Open Door is partially funded by the Health Service Executive, we have a deficit each year. Our Development team endeavours to meet this with help and support from many individuals and businesses in the community. Many thanks go to everyone who supports Open Door through donations, sponsorship and volunteer work. Your generousity helps us continue to provide this much needed service to adults with disabilities and their families.

Funds must be raised each year to continue with the many activities and services provided by Open Door. Annual events such as The Reggie Corrigan Open Door Golf Classic, The VHI Womens Mini Marathon, The Open Door Mid-Summer Lunch, Trash to Treasure, bag packs and table quizes all help to bring in much needed funds. In addition to these events Open Door has art exhibitions where paintings, woodwork and ceramics are on sale.

Open Door is committed to ensuring that all fundraising carried out in its name is conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public as published by the Charities Regulatory Authority.

Our Main Fundraisers

click on an item to find out more

Create an iDonate Page 

Are you participating in an event and looking to fundraise for Open Door? You can set up a fundraising page online at and nominate Open Door as your charity of choice. Click the logo below to register and get started