Open Door is an activity centre for adults with physical and sensory disabilities. We provide facilities and activities on a daily basis, Monday to Friday, and can cater for up to 30 members per day. Members attending Open Door take part in various activities such as Physiotherapy, Art, Crafts, Woodwork and Ceramics. They benefit from the social interaction with people facing similar life challenges which may have resulted from Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida or from some type of accident.
Open Door has three specially adapted buses which collect members each morning and drop them back home at the end of the day, subject to spaces available. The buses are also used to take members on outings on a regular basis.
Wheelchair Lending Service
Open Door Day Centre operates a wheelchair lending programme primarily to help persons who need a wheelchair but cannot afford to buy one, and secondarily for those who deem it impractical to buy one for short term use. It is not a business for profit. The fee collected is intended for maintenance of the wheelchair and for the sustenance of the programme.
This is an overview of how Open Door operates – The aim is two-fold, Open Door has a positive impact on the lives of its members but just as importantly it also offers a break to carers and their families.
To find out about other disability services visit www.disabilitybray.ie
A Typical Day
A typical day for someone attending the Centre involves starting off in the main day room with a cup of tea or coffee and perhaps biscuits or toast, a chat with fellow members and staff and for many of our members a read of the paper and often doing the crossword. The members then move on to their first chosen activity of the day.
By 10.30am the rooms in our purpose built Centre have become a hive of activity. Lunch is provided at 1.00pm. Activities continue after lunch until 3.00pm.