2021 Annual Report

Open Door 2021 Annual Report
Open Door Annual Report for 2021
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Open Door 2021 Annual Report

Welcome to Open Door’s 2021 Annual report.  2021 started with a national lock-down due to the vast increase in Covid-19 cases and therefore the Centre could not re-open as planned on 5th January.  

During the closure, our staff kept in regular contact with members and volunteers and the time was also used to make improvements to the Centre.  Thanks to a number of grants, we replaced the old flooring in the kitchen and dining area and we put in additional screens, partitions and sanitizing stations in preparation for a safe re-opening.  The Centre remained closed until 24th May 2021, when the majority of adults had received their vaccinations.  Our members were delighted to return to their many activities and their social life with their friends.


I would like to sincerely thank everyone who supported Open Door during the year. 

Anne Ferris
21st March 2022


Click here to view a full list of Board Members


We were looking forward to re-opening on January 5th 2021 following the Christmas break but the extremely high level of COVID-19 cases and another lockdown prevented this.  Open Door staff continue to keep in contact with all members and to offer support while we wait for restrictions to be lifted.

Open Door received a 2020 HSE National Lottery Grant to replace the old, worn flooring in the dining area and the kitchen.  This work was carried out during the Christmas break 2020/2021.   We also received a grant from the Community Foundation for Ireland as a result of the RTÉ does Comic Relief programme.  This grant funded Perspex screen and sanitising stations to allow members to safely attend activities once restrictions are lifted.


Members benefit from and enjoy the many therapeutic activities available at the Centre.  Activities include Art, Ceramics, Crafts, Woodwork and Physiotherapy.



Open Door continues to work on good governance, as part of an on-going process, in order to reassure supporters that all funds go towards activities for adults with physical disabilities in North Wicklow and South County Dublin.  

February / March

The Sugarloaf Lions Club table quiz via Zoom took place on Thursday 25th March.  23 teams took part and it was a fun evening.  Open Door received €2,000 as a result of this event.  Many thanks to all involved. 

Open Door received a grant from MHF to purchase four freestanding sanitisers and PPE.  This will help with our re-opening and will enhance our procedures during the pandemic.


Tesco Greystones awarded Open Door a Community Grant.

April / May

National Volunteer Week is 17th May – 21st May.  Sincere thanks to the many volunteers who help out with activities at Open Door.  We look forward to welcoming everyone back on May 24th.  Wicklow Volunteer Centre organised an online seminar on how community groups have managed to stay open, redirect services online, close and reopen during lockdown.  Many organisations faced similar obstacles at this time.

The Centre re-opened on Monday 24th May.  It was wonderful to see the members taking part in their many activities.  There are strict protocols on place in order to keep the Centre open.



As in 2020, we could not hold our traditional lunch in the Centre, we invited supporters and friends to post up photos on social media of their own socially distanced lunches and awarded prizes for the best pictures.  Many thanks to everyone who donated to this event.  We hope that we can return to the traditional Mid-Summer lunch in 2022.

Open Door received a Wicklow County Council Community Award towards Physiotherapy.


Members, staff and volunteers at Open Door decided to take on the challenge of covering 500 miles, during the month of July, using some of the Physiotherapy equipment available at the Centre.  This challenge is a team effort to highlight some of the equipment available and also to help raise funds for the Centre.   Through sponsorship and donations, a total of €3,285 was raised and this will go towards activities and materials for adults with physical disabilities.

The Sugarloaf Lions annual Golf Classic took place on Friday 16th July at Greystones Golf Club.  This event was in aid of Open Door and the Lions Food Appeal.

On Wednesday 28th July, Mary Lou McDonald, John Brady, Dermot O’Brien and Grace McManus visited the centre and met with the members.  They were very impressed with the range of activities available and with the happy atmosphere during their visit. 


Open Door received a cheque for €500 as part of the Tesco Community Fund.

Open Door’s virtual art/ceramics/woodwork exhibition was launched through Facebook.  The exhibition featured some wonderful pieces of artwork by members at Open Door and through sales it helped to raise funds for the Centre.


Open Door received a grant from The Hospital Saturday Fund.  This grant will fund 6 weeks of Physiotherapy at the Centre.


Loreto Secondary School in Bray started their ‘Virtual Camino’ on Monday 11th of October as a fundraiser for Open Door.   73 participants walked a combined total of 38,850km in two weeks. The students raised €950 through their iDonate "Loreto Bray and Open Door Virtual Camino Page".

The school’s principal Emma Raughter recognised the hard work of all participants and further contributed €2 for each participant and 10c for every kilometre covered. This brought the total raised for Open Door to a fantastic €1,482. These funds will go towards activities at Open Door. The support of the school community and in particular, Adam Douglas, TY Co-ordinator and PE teacher, is very much appreciated by the members, staff and Board of Trustees of Open Door.  The final total raised through this event was €1,636.00.

Thank you so much to Maria Bulger for her generous donation to Open Door in memory of her uncle Chris Walsh.    


Open Door was delighted to be one of the supported charities of the 2021 Kilmacanogue Horse Show.  There was a presentation at Powerscourt Golf Club on Saturday 23rd October where a cheques for €500 was donated to the Centre.


Open Door was approved for a 2021 HSE National Lottery grant.  This grant is to replace the old carpet tiling in the main room and physiotherapy area with new wear-resistance carpet tiles.  This will compliment the new floors in the kitchen and dining area and will be a major improvement to the Centre.


We were delighted to receive a grant from Sunbeam House Trust to replace our old commercial dishwasher.  With up to 30 members attending each day, this equipment is used regularly and helps to keep the Centre running efficiently.


The Woodcock family set up an iDonate.ie fundraising page for Open Door in memory of Tommy.  Tommy was a much loved member of Open Door for many years and the family want to support the Centre.  

Wishing everyone a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year.


You can help through making a direct donation at www.opendoor.ie , providing raffle prizes for our fundraising events, donating supplies for Art, Woodwork and Craft, making Open Door your Charity of the Year, the Vhi Women's Mini Marathon or any one of our events listed on the calendar or by offering to volunteer at the Centre on a regular basis.
Open Door is a registered charity (Charity Reg. No. 20014124) ( CHY No. 6987) and is signed up to the Governance Code  and is a member of The Wheel and Charities Institute Ireland
Our accounts are available for inspection upon request
Copyright © 2022 Open Door Day Centre, All rights reserved.

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