2020 Annual Report

Open Door 2020 Annual Report
Open Door Annual Report for 2020
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Open Door 2020 Annual Report

Welcome to Open Door’s 2020 Annual Report. 2020 was a year like no other and unfortunately decisions had to be made to close our Centre in an effort to protect our members, staff, volunteers and trustees. However, with the dedication of our Centre Manager, Rudy Montejo and all the staff, we are now ready to re-open as soon as we get the all-clear from the HSE. We know that our members have really missed coming to the Centre to partake in a range of activities and to socialise. And we have missed them too. We will also never forget the members and friends that we have lost in recent years. We have missed out on running our usual fundraisers during the year, like the Mid-Summer’s Lunch which is always a sell-out, the Open Door Golf Classic and our regular bag packing and table quizzes. We take this opportunity to thank all those who raised much needed funds during 2020 and those who donated directly. We are confident that we will be able to re-open our doors in 2021 and welcome back our staff and members to Open Door. 

Anne Ferris
9th March 2021


Click here to view a full list of Board Members


We were delighted to welcome our members back after the Christmas break.  Members benefit from and enjoy the many therapeutic activities available at the Centre.  Activities include Art, Ceramics, Woodwork and Physiotherapy.


Our 2020 Open Door Calendar went on sale in November 2019.  This calendar depicts some of the fantastic art and crafts by our members.


Open Door continues to work on good governance, as part of an on-going process, in order to reassure supporters that all funds go towards activities for adults with physical disabilities in North Wicklow and South County Dublin.  

On January 7th, Bray Flower Club presented Open Door with a cheque for €1,000 towards activities at the Centre.  Many thanks to all involved.

The Sugarloaf Lions Club table quiz in aid of Open Door took place at Greystones Rugby Club on 21st February. It was great to see so many Lions Club and Open Door supporters taking part on the night.  Open Door received €1,700 as a result of this event.


Our Coffee Morning/Open Day took place on 5th March.  This event was well supported and between donations and a raffle, we raised over €1,000 towards materials for Art, Ceramics and Woodwork.


On the 9th of March, Cubby retired from Open Door after more than 35 years of caring for our members.  We will all miss his smiling face but he promises to visit us regularly.

Unfortunately, as we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic became a serious issue in Mid-March.  In the interest of health and safety of our members, volunteers and staff, we had to close the Centre for activities on 16th March.  Staff kept in regular contact with all members and volunteers while the Centre was closed.  The staff also started to work with the HSE, helping to deliver vital PPE & testing kits. They transported health workers to and from their place of work while also bringing people to various testing centres.  

All Board meetings and committee meetings have been conducted via Zoom since April 2020.

April - August

As with other charities, all traditional fundraising events were cancelled including our annual Golf Classic, our Mid-Summer Lunch, various bag packs in supermarkets, raffles and table quizzes.  We also lost out on donations from various groups who use the Centre on a regular basis.


Fortunately, we had fantastic support from members and friends of Open Door.  Here are just some of the wonderful fundraisers who helped throughout the Summer.  


Mary Hackett

“I have committed to doing 100 laps around my garden, at 5 minutes per lap, in order to raise funds for Open Door. The Centre will need these funds to get back up and running, once restrictions are lifted. Thank you.”



Inspired by Open Door founder and now fellow member Mary Hackett's 100 laps of her garden, Peter decided to help raise some money for his home away from home.




“My name is Peter Lawlor I am 48 years of age, I have been attending Open Door in Bray since 1991. I go there every Wednesday and Friday and enjoy the activities. The Physiotherapy helps with my physical health and I really enjoy the Ceramics with Mark and the gang. I love making presents for my family and friends. I have made so many friends in the Centre and love to chat with the staff, volunteers and other members and I really look forward to getting back there. I am one of the oldest people in Ireland with a condition called Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS). Some of the symptoms of PWS include weak muscles, very slow development, poor feeding as an infant which then develops into constant hunger leading to obesity and it’s many side effects and premature aging. My disability is poor balance due to weak muscles. I suffer with back problems and I had one kneecap removed. I am cocooning at home since the outset of COVID-19 in Ireland and my parents are encouraging me to walk in order to maintain and improve muscle tone and balance and to prevent muscle wastage. I miss my friends and my outings so I decided to do something new. My family are amazed at my improvement through my daily walking and I decided that I would like to set up a fundraiser for Open Door to help fund the activities when the Centre re-opens. I am going to do 6,000 steps per day. This is a huge commitment for me and will take a lot of effort. I hope that you will sponsor me or donate to Open Door to let me know that you are behind me all the way.”




Anne Ferris (Chairperson of Open Door Trust)

“I dyed my hair and made a donation to Open Door. You could dye your hair too to help Open Door or just simply make a donation! Check out their website on www.opendoor.ie”.


Nicky Cox

“It's the question a lot have probably wondered and yes, it's happening....I'm shaving my hair. But, I need your help! It's been a while since the last time I got my hair cut, so I wanted to make this haircut matter.


As we know during the Coronavirus pandemic this has affected several charities in terms of fundraising, so I have decided to cut my hair for charity. I will be donating all funds for this haircut to Open Door in Bray, a Day Care Centre for people with physical disabilities. Currently the centre is closed and several of the major fund raising activities planned for the year have had to be cancelled; Midsummer Lunch, Open Door Golf Classic and the VHI Women's Mini Marathon, along with several other collection activities like bag packs and raffles. Hopefully the funds raised through this will help recover some of the funds lost from these cancellations.

The date of the shave of my hair will be Saturday 30th May. Further helping charities- the hair that we shave off will be donated to the Rapunzel Foundation, a charity which helps people with alopecia my turning real hair into wigs.

I hope you can help consider helping this cause - thank you!”



Ann-Marie Greene

“Think I’ll spend the next few days running my fingers through my hair, as on Thursday, my birthday, it will be shaved.  Thank you to everyone that has donated, Open Door is an amazing facility that genuinely deserve all the support that they can get.  Due to Covid 19 a lot of the major fundraisers have been cancelled which they heavily rely on, so if you want to see my Greene ears lol please donate any amount big or smallvery much appreciated and thank you all so much.”


Hazel Stevenson

“I held a cake sale and a raffle in order to raise funds for Open Door.  The Centre means a lot to me as my Grandmother spent many happy years there.  She really enjoyed the activities as well as the great social life.”



Mid-Summer Lunch 2020

As we could not hold our traditional lunch in the Centre, we invited people to post up photos of their own socially distanced lunches and awarded prizes for the best pictures.  Photos below of some of the lunches.  Many thanks to everyone who donated to this event. 

Thanks to a generous private donation, we were in a position to get the interior walls painted.  This has given the Centre a bright, fresh new look and is ready to welcome members back.


COVID-19 protocols have been put in place including a one-way system, social distancing, sanitising stations, PPE and temperature checks.  The initial plan was to re-open in August but due to restrictions we had to wait until September

September - December

The Hospital Saturday Fund awarded Open Door with funds to cover 6 weeks of physiotherapy.  Physiotherapy is one of Open Door’s vital activities and funding must be found in order to continue to provide this much needed therapy to all members of Open Door.


Due to COVID-19 restrictions we were unable to hold our planned Art Exhibition in the Centre.  We moved the event on-line and sold a number of beautiful pieces created by the Art, Craft, Woodwork and Ceramics groups.

We re-opened on September 14th with limited numbers for the first few weeks.  It was great to see everyone enjoying the activities once again.  We gradually increased numbers while adhering to guidelines.  The following images show some of our members enjoying the activities.

The Centre closed for the Christmas break on 23rd of December with the intention of re-opening on 4th January.  During the Christmas break we installed additional screens in order to safely increase the number attending per day.  These additional screens were funded through grants.  It was with great regret that we had to postpone the January re-opening due to the dramatic increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Ireland.


We remember to keep our members, staff, volunteers, supporters and Trustees, past and present, in our thoughts.  Stay safe everyone.


You can help through making a direct donation at www.opendoor.ie , providing raffle prizes for our fundraising events, donating supplies for Art, Woodwork and Craft, making Open Door your Charity of the Year, taking part in the Reggie Corrigan Golf Classic, the Vhi Women's Mini Marathon or any one of our events listed on the calendar or by offering to volunteer at the Centre on a regular basis.
Open Door is a registered charity (Charity Reg. No. 20014124) ( CHY No. 6987) and is signed up to the Governance Code  and is a member of The Wheel and Charities Institute Ireland
Our accounts are available for inspection upon request
Copyright © 2021 Open Door Day Centre, All rights reserved.

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